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Welcome to the company's new website

View: 341612/04/2019  

CO-NET as a technology company is researching on optical transmission in the field of telecommunication. The high quality of optical fibers and cabling products is our feature to satisfy customer’s desire. CO-NET technology company was established in WUXI, China. With advanced manufacturing capabilities, CO-NET understands customer’s requirements and their application environment. Stable and reliable network of optical fiber infrastructure, is the first and most concern to our customers. We also help to design, develop and customized the products, for the purpose is creating a connection and comfortable conversation to our customers. CO-NET is not only focusing on the datacorri products, but also telecom and equipment inter - connection has involved.  

CO-NET is committing to quality, reliability, and sustainability by pursuing cutting edge technology and advanced manufacturing capabilities. As a leading player in offering reliable high quality products and services.  

CO-NET’s mission is to help customers achieve their goals by providing them with technical support and qualified products. Our value is to be a reliable strategic partner with each customer.  

CO-NET continues to pursue product and process inno vation in the field of fiber optics, and contributes to the research and application of optical communication technology.

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  • Tel: 0086-519-89197819
  • Address: Block 3#, No. 92 East Renming Road, Yaoguan distroct, Changzhou Economy Development Zone, Jiangsu, China, 213161